On Tuesday, November 12th, there was a very interesting exhibition with photographs of Diana Markosian's. My images below can provide only a glimpse of the mostly melancholic, sometimes enigmatic atmosphere of many of her photographs. Amongst other things the glas surface of the picture frames was strongly reflecting therefor the quality of my pictures I've taken during the exhibition is everything but perfect. You can discover more great images and artwork of Diana Markosian (and in full quality) on her webpage:
All photos on this page are shown by leave of the artist.
Die Veröffentlichung der Fotos geschieht mit ausdrücklicher Erlaubnis der Künstlerin.
Die Veröffentlichung der Fotos geschieht mit ausdrücklicher Erlaubnis der Künstlerin.
(original text from the artist)
For young girls in Chechnya the most innocent acts could mean breaking the rules.
In Tschetschenien kann eine unbedachte Handlung von jungen Mädchen bereits einen Gesetzesbruch bedeuten.
A Chechen girl caught smoking is cause for arrest; while rumors of a couple having sex before marriage can result in an honor killing.
Wenn ein Mädchen beim Rauchen erwischt wird kann es dafür verhaftet werden; derweil reichen schon Gerüchte, dass ein Liebespaar vor der Heirat Sex hatte, als Grund für einen Ehrenmord.
The few girls who dare to rebel become targets in the eyes of Chechen authorities.
Die wenigen jungen Frauen, die dagegen rebellieren, geraten ins Visier der tschetschenischen Autoritäten.
After nearly two decades of vicious war and 70 years of Soviet rule, during which religious participation was banned, modern-day Chechnya is going through Islamic revival.
Nach fast zwei Jahrzehnten eines mörderischen Krieges und 70 Jahren unter sowjetischer Herrschaft, in der die Ausübung der Religion verboten war, erlebt das heutige Tschetschenien ein Wiederaufblühen des Islams.
The Chechen government is building mosques in every village, prayer rooms in public schools, and enforcing a stricter Islamic dress code for both men and women.
Die tschetschenische Regierung errichtet in jedem Dorf Moscheen, richtet in öffentlichen Schulen Gebetsräume ein und setzt eine strenge Kleiderordnung für Männer und Frauen durch.
This photo essay chronicles the lives of young Muslim girls who witnessed the horrors of two wars and are now coming of age in a republic that is rapidly redefining itself as a Muslim state.
Diese Fotoreportage berichtet von dem Leben junger Frauen, welche den Horror zweier Kriege erleben mussten und nun in einer Republik erwachsen werden, die sich immer schneller in einem muslimischen Staat umdefiniert.
The Photographer
(original text from Diana Markosian homepage:)
Diana Markosian is a documentary photographer based in Yangon, Myanmar.
Her reporting has previously taken her from Russia's volatile North Caucasus, to the ancient Silk Road in Tajikistan and overland to the remote Wakhan Corridor in northeastern Afghanistan.
Diana's images have appeared in The New York Times, Le Monde, The Sunday Times, Marie Claire, Foreign Policy,Time.com, World Policy Journal, Human Rights Watch, and Amnesty International, amongst others.
Her work has been recognized by a diverse number of organizations including The Magnum Emerging Photographer Fund, Open Society Institute, the National Press Photographers Association, UNICEF and Reuters. In 2013, Diana was selected to participate in the World Press Photo Joop Swart Masterclass.
She holds a masters from Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism
Also interesting: I AM BANGKOK - photo exhibition by Lillian Suwanrumpha
In 2012 Farmani gallery established a photo gallery in Phnom Penh, at Le Leela Hotel and the Rooftop gallery in Bangkok, in order to showcase the international work to Asian markets and discover great Asian photographers.
The location:
440/10 Sukhumvit 55 ( Thong Lor) , 4th floor, Bangkok, Thailand 10110
The Gallery is situated between Soi 14 and 16, opposite J-Avenue and the Home Place tower (with an UOB branch on the ground floor). The gallery is located on the rooftop (of course) of a four storey building. Also situated in this building is the DESIGN INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE (having a large signboard on the house front).
440/10 Sukhumvit 55 ( Thong Lor) , 4th floor, Bangkok, Thailand 10110
Die Galerie befindet sich in einem vierstöckigen Gebäude zwischen der Soi 14 und 16, indem auch das DESIGN INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE beheimatet ist (mit großem Namenszug auf der Straßenfassade).
(original text from Farmani Gallery homepage: http://www.farmanigallery.com/)
Hossein Farmani established the Farmani Gallery in 2003 as a contemporary photography gallery space to carry on his passion for discovering, collecting and sharing photo-based artworks. The Farmani Gallery is a perfect complement to Hossein Farmani’s many other photographic endeavors.
In 2008, the sights were set on taking the gallery to New York and it was settled in the emerging artistic neighborhood of D.U.M.B.O., Brooklyn. Continuing the foresight from the gallery space in Los Angeles, Farmani continues to establish its vision in New York. Focusing on an International artistic diversification with programming and artist and making these artworks available for art enthusiast and art collectors.
In 2010 and beyond, Farmani Gallery embraces the changes in the art market and continues the efforts and passion of its owner, Hossein Farmani, to provide insights to emerging tastes and artists, building on cultural cues, and a dedication fine art photography excellence in its artist and for its art patronage.
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